
The door

Author Liu Xieyang volatile ink, smoke, Xiushan streams have recently, backtracking, always feel the impact of ink or the door to door fell dejected .
When Huang years, childhood memories have been f system, fortunately the situation it also clearly retained in the brain.
Often through the old yard, or even see pictures of the old lane house, always can't help to think of that door, remember that leisurely "squeak." the door .
The most close to the forehead, or Shushiji years ago grandpa was still alive when the door, there is a thick and mottled cancellous doors. Although it does not have a modern urban paint color, no alloy solid, no glass and iron decoration style is elegant, it is a pure natural wood door. But it inadvertently became a turning point in my lifedata centre.
Every morning, I heard a "creak." the voice sounded, know grandfather opened the doors to a new day, with comfortable light will always run in happy to fill the whole room. In the evening, it is a "door squeak." sounded, it was my grandfather in isolation field with the mountain of darkness. Then, the jade month Hui light will slip in through the door, like water gently, also has such as downy desolate.
I'm still Yayaxueyu is a wooden door, feel oneself highly flattered back from the flat bag, the bag is heavy, until I carried the drum drum bag, process every step of the way back reenex cps, always cannot do without the door.
In their hands, the house will be turned, the door and grandpa lived in that house, was isolated in a.

Posted by bandengee at 15:52│Comments(0)mehu